
never safe.

Why is it that when I’m finally satisfied, something has to go wrong? Can’t I just be happy for once, please?

I’ve given up on so many things, please don’t ask me to give up on you.

right when you think everything is wonderful, it comes crashing down in front of your eyes. was i naive to believe that things could stay so perfect? shouldn't i have known we are humans and would fuck things up sooner than later?

tears fall. thoughts flow. pain throbs.

often i wonder why it is that i have such difficulty with trust and opening myself to others. then i realize that it's because of times like this. when i expect the best of people, but am hit with the harsh reality.

all i want in life is stability. a routine. normalcy. consistency. but that's not how it works. not for me, at least.

i hope i grow from times like this. into a stronger, more thoughtful, and persistent woman. i'm determined to keep trying. i get hurt every single time, but if you never know the pain, how can you ever know the happiness?

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